Abuse Files - spoting abuse
- Theres no happy endings. No tears of joy.
Only sadness , pain , and anger. Only truth.
animal abuse occurs every single day , from the chained dog in the back yard , to the dog left in the car without any air. there are no small forms of abuse. hitting your dog , is the same as chaining him , or depriving him of food.
Homeless animals are left to wander the streets alone , looking for food , looking for shelter. All because someone tired of them , or because fixing their cat or dog , was too much money ,and just an inconvience. unfourtuntly we will see hundreds of animals in the coming months because christmas , or easter is over , and the pets are growing and becoming a hastle.
paws rescue has seen alot , and our hearts are on the verge of breaking , but knowing that a live could be spared , saved , or bettered because of our work , keeps that one pieace of our hearts strong.
What to watch for , when looking for animal abuse or cruelty :
*dogs chained in back yards for long periods of time
*dogs running the streets
*cats full of fleas , nats and cuts
*dogs being left in cars for long periods of time during hot weather
*people appearing violently to their animals : IE , screaming , yelling , smacking them.
*children playing cruelly with animals , such as dressing them , walking them , or hiting them
*chained dogs with no food nor water
*cats & dogs , that always seem to be outside , no matter what time it is
*dogs & cats being left in the cold for long periods of time
*dogs with choke collars and chains on
*dogs tied to trees with regular ropes and laces.
Those are just a few things to watch for , when witnessing animal cruelty. (For a abuse info pack please contact paws rescue department)
there is alot of ways you can get involved to stop animal cruelty in your neighbourhood. when you see a chained dog , leave a leaflet or note at their door , and see if they respond , when you see stray cats , don't just leave them out in the cold. for instance , when you see a dog who has been in a car on a hot day for a long period of time , return to the store you came out of , and announce over the speaker , for the owner to return to car immedently. there are many ways you can speak up , for those who can't.
to report a case of abuse or cruelty , click here
to see current cases , click here
to contact paws rescue department , click here.
people for animal welfare & safety rescue department