Animals stranded on Air transit
Animal cruelty - ACT NOW (Toronto case)
Teacher suffocates rabbit in front of class
Stop Navys planned torture on dolphins
Tell animal planet not to promote breeding
Demand Justice for Primates Drowned in Vat of Chemicals
Help Polar Bears Suffering in Mexican Circus
Join the fight for dog burned alive
Boycott the fur & feather show
Stop the running of the bulls
Tell Hyatt to be quiet
Help end plans to baby bulls in Columbia
Help is needed to end the Interstate transport of birds for cockfighting
Protect the whales
Baboons need your help!
Commercial Airlines ship cargoes of misery
Protect sea turtles from Texas oil company
Tell Petco and Petsmart to stop exploiting birds
Support legislation to end cruel killing of bobcats
Ask Victorias Secret to take a stand against fur
Stop the slaughter of downed animals
End inhumane slaughter tell the USDA to do Its job
Help save Australian Parrots from Fruit Gowers guns
Condemn the killing of animals on film
Prosecute the cat killers
Protest Fairfax county deer hunts
Help Marylands black bears
"Dirty dozen" of fur retailers
Tell Macys to stop selling fur
Ban Cockfighting! URGENT!
Help raise money for spray/neuter programs
Protest the use of live hens in casino video game
Please urge prosecution of sexual abuser and killer of hen
Protest Japanese "Survivor" take off
A Southern Season selling Foie gras
Tell companies to treat chickens better
PAWS Living
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