Your help is needed now , to stop the purposed running of the bulls in Arthur , Ontario!!
- Click here to read PAWS letter to council
-Click here for more!
-Click here to view PAWS "Hoof it" flyer

-PAWS News Center Up and Running
-Egypt kills Chimp , and Gorilla
- Killed and Mutilated Cows Discovered in Montana
-PAWS Denies Don't Spray it's support

On September 6 , PAWS rescue brought 4 new members to our team ! Four tiny kittens (Venice , Joaquin , Baja and Lucious) are
all resting , and enjoying the pampering they are now reciving under PAWS care.

-Turkeys more important...
-Iams , the suffering behind the science
-HLS shuts down SHAC's website!

- PAWS Abuse website up and running
-How many killed by meat in '99?
-Diabetes and Veganisim
- Humane flea control for your pets
