IT MUST BE STOPPED NOW ! Thousands of bears are kept in torture chambers , like the one shown above , to produce
bile , for the traditional chinese medicine market. At this very moment thousands of bears are being kept in horrific conditions
in hundreds of farms across China. The bears are being surgically mutilated, often by untrained workers , with
no veterinary skills , and 'milked' each day for their gall bile. The bears have to endure the most appalling levels
of cruelty. Many bears are wounded and scared due to the friction of being kept in tiny metal cages , which are just about
big enough for them to fit into, and where they unable to stand up straight. Cages are suspended above the ground,
where bears having to suffer a constant stream of bile seeping from their stomachs , where an open wound allowed workers to
insert a tube , or piece of metal to "tap" the bile.
Taken from the wild..
Not traditional Medicine

Send an E-card to stop China's torture chambers !