Tyson lost his life , because of his growls. Hundreds of dogs are put to sleep every single day , because of their barks ,
not necissarly because of their bites. When a dog attacks , a human or another animal , theres usually a reason behind it
, it's time we start to give that animal a little time , so we can look. Preventing dog bites , before they happen is the
solution , but also keeping healthy pets. Canine distemper , is hard to notice , but can take over fast.
Protect your dog from the bark & the bite : 1) If your dog is not sociable , make sure he is safely in another
room , or in a fenced in area , whenever company comes calling. 2) Introduce your dog to new people , as much as possible
, so that new scents and faces , wont startle him. 3) Introduce your dog to other dogs , so hes used to have them around
, and knows how to behave. 4) If your dog shows any tension towards a certain person , make sure the dog stays a good
distance at all times. 5) Dont let your dog run wild , have a fenced in area (not a chain) for your dog to roam in , with
a solid doghouse and fresh water at all times. 6) Do not leave your dog unattended for long periods of time. 7) Monitor
your dogs personality , some dogs are uncomfortable around children , if he shows any signs , keep him at a distance from
them. 8) Dont neglect your dog , a dog that doesnt get alot of attention , is more likely to stray , and become angered.
9) Have a sticker , in your front window , warning visitors that you have a dog. Protect your dog from distemper
: 1) Keep your dogs shots up to date. 2) Have regular check ups with your vet. 3) Watch for any changes in
his personality , or increased vomiting , or tiredness. (Notify your vet right away , if any signs persisit.) Please
contact PAWS or your local veterinary clinic , for more information on canine distemper.
Tysons days were numbered ,and there was no second chance. Thousands of people commit crimes everyday , murder , rape , abuse
, they do their time , and then are set free into the world , to repeat their crimes if they wish. But Tyson , was put to
death , with no second chance. Everything in this world is about how superior we are to animals ; but yet that makes it okay
, for us to get away with murder , and them to die for their growls? Tyson may be gone , but he will be remembered forever.
His story never forgotten. It would be Tysons last request that no other dogs , follow his footsteps and loose their lives
, without a fair chance. It's time we stop and give them, that chance , because we may be superior to them , but we do not
own them. Remember Tyson.
