By donating $15 to PAWS , not only will you be helping the animals , but you'll also recive : *Our by-monthly newsletter
"UNsilenced." *A PAWS supporter Window Decal A $15 donation , makes you a PAWS member , to which
you'll also recive deals on our activist gear , as well as specials from the PAWS mall! To sign up for a PAWS membership
, send us an email , and we'll send you all the info.

By joining PAWS Action Network , you will recive PAWS sign up materials FREE! As well as campaign updates , & alerts.
You will also be signed up to PAWS online Alerts , as well as recive our by-monthly newsletter "UNsilenced."
When joining PAWS Activist Network , we will keep you updated on upcoming events , and help you plan your own events
, and demos. To join PAWS Activist network , just send us an email , with your mailing address , phone , and request.

There are so many ways you can donate to PAWS and help the animals. There is no donation ever made that is too small , because
every dollar helps. PAWS is an all volunteer organization , so you know 100% of your donation is going directly
into actions that help animals. When donating your money is put into , rescue services , campaigns , direct action
, and into PAWS work for animals , to stop cruelty and suffering wherever it occurs - around the world. At this
time due to our Privacy policy we do not allow online donating (but will in the future.) Were sorry for the inconvience.
Please email us or call our rescue department for more information on making a donation to PAWS. Here
are some other ways you can support PAWS work , and help animals through PAWS :

By making a donation of $20 or more , in memory of your companion , the money will go directly into placing a shelter dog/cat/bunny/bird
,exc. Into a loving home. You can help place an animal running out of time , in a comfy home , in remembrance
of your pet. When Donating you will recive the story and a picture , of the animal , you have helped. With
a donation of $30 or more , you will also recive a plaque with both your animal , and the animal you helped's name on it ,
for you to charish in the years to come.

A big way to help PAWS is by donating adoption money. With these donations PAWS adopts , one of the animals listed below.
The money goes towards , their food , shelter and supplies. All of the animals are current residence of the Preforming animal
welfare society (unless otherwise stated.) All victims of zoo , circus , and the trade , they now rest , recovering from their
nightmares. The full cost to adopt each animal , as well as their story is below , there are three adoption costs.
To find out more information just fill out the form below.

BLAKE (Mountain Lion) In 1993, Blake was confiscated from his owners who had purchased him as a pet. He had been declawed
and was kept in a house and fed an improper diet. When he began chewing the furniture, he was disciplined and kept in a small
box. By the time he came to PAWS, his spirit had been totally broken and he showed absolutely no aggression. His ability to
show aggression seems to have returned and he spends much of his time curiously watching the elephants and sleeping in the
sun. HARRIET (Hamadryas Baboon) Born in a zoo, Harriet was a surplus baby there, so she was sent to another zoo
at two months of age. Since baboons are social animals with strong family ties, the separation from her mother was a very
traumatic experience for Harriet. At one year of age, she was then fated to be sent to a research facility. Her keeper, after
reading Pat Derby's book The Lady and Her Tiger, contacted PAWS to take Harriet immediately. MICA (Wolf) Mica,
a female wolf, escaped from a breeding compound. Animal Control chased her for serveral days. She was captured with a tranquilized
dart which embedded in Mica's shoulder and shattered. She became very sick and terrified and would not eat. She was then transferred
to PAWS where a veterinary team from UC Davis required four visits to fix her shoulder. As a result of her experience, Mica
is afraid of people. LENNY (European Brown Bear) Lenny was part of the same show as Pooh. Although their species
are not usually compatible, Pooh and Lenny were close friends due to traveling in the circus together for so many years. Lenny
has a spacious enclosure complete with a hot tub for bathing. CHICO (Wallaroo) When we received a call from a
teacher in San Jose asking if we could take a neutered male wallaby, we almost shouted yeees! Although some species of the
kangaroo family are solitary, we have long felt that little Willy needed a companion. This call provided the perfect companion
for Willy. Chico had been delivered to the Center for Agricultural Science and Technology Applied Zoological Program at Pioneer
High School in San Jose, California by his owners who had been keeping him as a private pet until he matured and became troublesome
to maintain. He had been kept at the High School for the past six years. Chico arrived on August 4th, 1998 and we
placed him in a temporary enclosure next to Willy. Within days the two had socialized and they are now sharing Willy's large
enclosure. Although Chico is much bigger than our little Willy, Willy appears to be the dominant one of the pair. When Chico
strayed too close to Ed Stewart, Willy's favorite person, Willy chased him away. They both seem to enjoy having a companion
and spend long hours grazing and resting in the tall grass. Most wallabys are nocturnal so the two are more active early in
the morning and late in the evening. Chico is eight years old, Willy is now three. SHASTA (Mountain Lion) Originally
someone's pet, Shasta was confiscated by the Department of Fish and Game because it is illegal to have mountain lions as pets
in California. He stayed in their holding compound for about a year, where he was used to teach trainees how to trap and tranquilize
mountain lions. Relocated to PAWS a year later and now 10 years old, he is still learning to trust people.
Blake - Donation options : $30 / $60 Harriet - Donation options : $25 / $40 Mica - Donation
options : $45 / $60 Lenny - Donation options : $50 / $90 Chico - Donation options : $25 /
$40 Shasta - Donation options : $45 / $60

PAWS Rescue works to help and rescue companion animals , in every situation. You can donate to rescue ,many ways. Click below
, to see their wish list.

You can also help PAWS by sponsoring one of our ad's in your local newspaper. You can find more information on doing this
by emailing us @ ContactPAWS@hotmail.com Ad's we have avalible : *March of Dimes (Holidays) *Vegan
Means Life *Free Puppies *Fix your pets