Veganism , is not a 'diet.' It's a way of life. Reasons to go vegan : *Until we stop consuming animal
products , billions of animals will continue to be abused , neglected and killed on dairy and slaughter farms. Eight BILLION
animals are killed for food , every year - In the United States alone. *It takes 2500 gallons of water to produce
, one pound of meat , whereas it takes only 25 gallons of water to produce a gallon of wheat. *Residues of antibiotics
, hormones , pesticides , herbicides , heavy metal and other non-degrading toxins from the enviroment accumulate up the food
chain , and into animal products. *Studies by numerous renown heath organizations such as the American Dietic Association
, have proven that vegans have a lower risk of heart disease , as well as breast cancer , colon cancer , diabeities , gallstones,
hypertension , kidney stones , obesity , osteoporosis , and stroke.
"But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh , we deprive a soul , of the sun and light, and of the porportion
of life and time , it had been born into the world to enjoy." ~ Plutarch
Vegan Values
Vegan Families
Vegetarian Babies
TIPS FOR LIVING CRUELTY FREE - *Check out your cabinets! - Go through your cabinets filled with household
cleaners , beauty products , toiletries , medications ,exc. Remember if doesnt say "Cruelty Free" , than
it's not. [See PAWS Product Ban , for a list of products that test on animals.] *Give up drinking milk,
dairy cows suffer from over milking , neglect , depression , and illnesses. By supporting the milk industry , you are also
directly support the cruelty of the veal industry. *Get involved in Humane education , help teach kids , and adults
alike , to have respect and compassion towards all animals. *Loose the leather jacket. Leather comes from skinned
cows. Period.


"Cruelty Free ~ Is the only way to be."