PAWS Rescue works to help all animals from the strays on the street , to the chained dog in the yard. Through Abuse Watch
, informitive information , and programs , PAWS Rescue works to help animals everywhere.

PAWS Missing pet Program , Find.Rescue.Return , was just launched this past September. In hopes of bringing missing pets home
, and educating the public , on how to protect your pets.

PAWS Occasionally recives animals that are placed under our volunteers care , until we can find , a suitable , and permenent
home. PAWS also offers a foster program , not just for our animals , but shelter animals as well. We offer an information
pack , on becoming a foster parent , which you can obtain by contacting our rescue department. Currently avalible
for adoption from PAWS : Gracie : A two year old, black and white , with lots of love to give. However she does need
her space , and is best off in a home , without alot of other cats. She is very comfortable with dogs on the other hand.
Fuzzey : A three year old , mix , whos name should be love bug! Never lacking attention to give , and wanting to
get , Fuzzey is truely an angel , and would be a wonderful addition to any family. Good with cats , dogs , but would be better
off without children. Harmony : Harmony is a three year old , grey angel , whos had it ruff , and now needs someone
to love and charish her , the way she deserves to be. Good with other cats , dogs and children, Harmony is looking for someone
to love her , as much as she'd love them. Coco : Coco has been a feral for most of her life , so she needs someone
with patience , and respect for her. In the last year she has domesticated alot , and is now comfortable around most people.
Best in a home without dogs , and not alot of other cats , no children. Do you think you just might be the right
gaurdian for any of these animals? Then please contact PAWS rescue. At this time Fuzzey is the only cat avalible
for foster care.

The week of September 6th PAWS rescue added 4 new members to our family. Venice , Baja , Lucous , and Joaquin , are all resting
now under PAWS care. Baja came with a neck injury , which was cleaned , and attended to , and now is healing , and
hair growth has returned. All healthy , and happy , the four little kittens will now have a chance , they might not
have gotten in the wild.

Through our "Pet housing Project" We hope to help build/supply houses for dogs without shelter , as well ones living
in old , run down dog houses. We also hope to build houses for homeless animals , as well as to donate to shelters. You
can help With out PHP program by : *Volunteering your time and skills *Donating , wood , money or dog house kits *Keep
an eye out for houseless dogs in your neighbourhood and help them rebuild! With the winter months coming , it's
important that animals are supplied with shelter from the winds , and flurries. Ofcourse the only way to do that , is to keep
your pets inside, except for when they need to go out for a pee , or a run. If you need help with getting a proper
sheltered area for your dog , or can volunteer your time , please contact our rescue department.

PAWS Rescue is always on alert for abuse , and cruelty , which happens , were afraid too often. From the chained dog in the
yard , to the ice pup , as cold as the snow , animal abuse occurs everyday , in diffrent ways. Please visit PAWS
Abuse Files , for current cases and alerts , as well as to learn more about companion animal abuse , and how to spot it. Also
to report a case of animal cruelty to PAWS.
PAWS Abuse Files Website
