Stop the Slaughter of Vultures in Florida ------------------------------------------------------------ Floyd
Brown, the president of the Vikings Landing Property Owners Association in Port St. Lucie, Florida, recently received a permit
to kill black vultures in his neighborhood and has been shooting the birds and stringing their bodies up in trees. Mr. Brown
claims that hes killing the birds to keep them from damaging his property, but killing animals to prevent property damage
is cruel and ineffective. As long as the area remains attractive and accessible, more vultures will fly in from the surrounding
areas and replace those callously killed by Mr. Brown. Please send a polite letter to Mr. Brown asking him to stop
his cruel and unnecessary attack on the vulture population at Vikings Landing and, instead, rely on effective humane methods
of control. Floyd Brown, President Vikings Landing Property Owners Association 2600 S.E. Viking Dr. Port
St. Lucie, FL 34984 Also, by discharging a firearm without a permit from local authorities and crucifying the protected
birds, Mr. Brown violated the citys discharge of firearms laws and failed to comply with at least two of the standard conditions
listed on his kill permit. Please send a letter to Police Chief John Skinner of the Port St. Lucie Police Department, Mayor
Robert Minsky, and City Manager Donald Cooper asking them to charge Mr. Brown accordingly. Also send a letter to Carmen Simonton
of the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service asking her to suspend Mr. Browns kill permit immediately. Chief John Skinner
Port St. Lucie Police Department E-Mail: The Honorable Robert Minsky Mayor of
Port St. Lucie E-Mail: Donald Cooper City Manager of Port St. Lucie E-Mail:
Carmen Simonton Permits Officer U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1875 Century Blvd. Atlanta, GA
30345 Tel.: 404-679-7049 Fax: 404-679-4180
MVP2 MORE VICTIMIZED PRIMATES 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
According to Robert Vince, CEO of International Keystone Entertainment Inc., the chimpanzees used in the making of
the film MVP2, sequel to MVP (Most Valuable Primate), were treated humanely. While this may be true on the set, it
does not address the issue of how they were trained behind closed doors or the ethics of using highly intelligent, complex,
and endangered animals in films such as MVP2, a story about the first chimpanzee hockey player. Experts in the field
of primate behavior, including Dr. Jane Goodall, contend that the only way to force chimpanzees to perform is through physical
intimidation. Chimpanzee infants, who should be living in forests with their mothers, are often confined to small cages, denied
proper social and family interaction, and forced to do humiliating, confusing, and even frightening acts for little reward,
to avoid being beaten. Even the most considerate of trainers cannot compensate for the anxiety and frustration of such an
unnatural life in captivity. In addition, chimpanzees no longer used in the entertainment industry are often sold to laboratories
and roadside zoos where they face a lifetime of imprisonment and suffering. Chimpanzees are quadrupeds, and forcing
them to walkmuch less skateon ice on two legs is cruel and obscene. Films that feature animals dressed in costumes and/or
performing stupid tricks teach the public that animals are first and foremost here for our entertainment and profit and that
any inherent desires they may have come in second, if at all. This type of thinking has led to the imprisonment of wild animals
in zoos, circuses, and laboratories, as well as to their wholesale slaughter in the wild. Please write International
Keystone Entertainment Inc. in protest of its continued exploitation of chimpanzees in its films. Write to:
Robert Vince, CEO International Keystone Entertainment Inc. 300-2339 Columbia St. Vancouver, BC V5Y 3Y3
Canada Tel.: 604-873-9739 Fax: 604-873-5919
URGENT! Time-Sensitive Opportunity to Fight Cockfighting and Help Downed Animals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Today, Thursday, October 4, the House of Representatives will be voting on H.R. 2646, the Farm Security Act
of 2001 (known as "the Farm Bill"). An amendment offered by Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Tom Tancredo
(R-Colo.) will prohibit the interstate transport of birds for fighting purposes and thus will greatly weaken the cockfighting
industry. An amendment offered by Representatives Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) and Amo Houghton (pronounced HO-tun) (R-N.Y.)
will prohibit stockyards and other intermediate markets from transferring or selling animals who cannot walk because of illness
or injury and will require that the animals be euthanized. This will prevent the beating, dragging, and bulldozing of "downed
animals" by livestock handlers. Please call your representative right now (the number for the congressional
switchboard is 202-225-3121) and ask him/her to "please support the Blumenauer-Tancredo anti-cockfighting amendment and
the Ackerman-Houghton downed animal protection amendment to the Farm Bill." Demand Justice for Primates
Drowned in Vat of Chemicals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Monday, September 17, 2001, a 4-month-old gorilla and a chimpanzee (both endangered species "protected"
by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) were intentionally drowned in a container filled with chemicals
at the Cairo Airport in Cairo, Egypt. According to the Associated Press, the animals were murdered because their
"owner" failed to obtain the permits necessary to import the animals from Nigeria to Egypt. Amazingly, the individuals
who drowned the animals were veterinarians too stupid, ignorant, and/or cruel to consider holding the animals until the necessary
paperwork could be obtained or, at the very least, humanely euthanizing them. The terror and agony suffered by these
animals is ghastly and must not be allowed to go unpunished. Please write to the secretariat of the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and ask that he do everything in his power to ensure that those responsible for the grotesque
murders of these animals be held accountable. Write to: Willem Wijnstekers, Secretary General Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) International Environment House 15, chemin des Anmones CH-1219 Chtelaine Geneva
Switzerland Fax: 011 4122 797 3417 E-Mail: Klaus Topfer, Executive Director United
Nations Environment Program E-Mail: (Topfer oversees appointment of the CITES Secretariat
(in this case Wijnstekers) and is spearheading the Great Ape Survival Project WXTB Snuff Film Released
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A judge has ordered the
release of a videotape documenting the torture and killing of a boar in the parking lot of WXTB radio in Tampa, Florida February
27, 2001. The tape, evidence in the upcoming felony cruelty trial of disc jockey Todd Clem, a.k.a. "Bubba the Love Sponge,"
and his producer Lee Hatley, shows that the boar never had a chance. The first image one sees is of a petrified
and defenseless wild boar, caged and surrounded by jeering spectators. Next, he is removed from the cage, his mouth tied shut,
and he is held to the ground by two men while a third methodically cuts and squeezes his testicles from his body. His legs
kick and, despite the cheers of the assembled crowd, his muffled cries can be heard. As each testicle is removed they are
displayed to the bloodthirsty crowd. After being castrated without anesthesia, his throat is cut and he bleeds to death as
the camera records a growing pool of blood at his tormentors feet. Finally, WXTB fans eat his testicles and flesh. WXTB
continues to defend these men, thereby rendering WXTB and its sponsors morally culpable for the torture and murder of an innocent
animal. Please write the following sponsors to express your outrage at their continued support of WXTB. Write to: Jeffery
H. Boyd President & COO Inc 800 Connecticut Ave. Norwalk, CT 06854-9998 Tel.: 203-299-8000
Fax: 203-299-8948 Jim Donahue Senior Vice President Corporate Communications AutoNation Inc. 110
SE 6th St. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Tel.: (954) 769-7208 Fax: (954) 769-6398 William Conway Chairman
Nextel Communications Inc. 2001 Edmund Halley Dr. Reston, VA 20191 Tel.: 703-433-4000 Fax: 703-433-4343
Larry Divney President & CEO Comedy Central 1775 Broadway, 10th Fl. New York, NY 10019 Fax:
212-767-4270 Hiroshi Yajima CEO Mitsubishi Motors America Inc 6400 Katella Ave. Cypress, CA 90630-5208
Tel.: 714-372-6000 Fax: 714-373-1020 Sean Flynn Tampa Bay Lightning (and Tampa Bay Storm) 401 Channelside
Dr. Tampa, FL 33602 Tel.: 813-301-6500 Fax: 813-301-1481 Tell Visa to End Cruel Rodeo Sponsorship
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visa International
is currently sponsoring the International Professional Rodeo Association. Rodeo events are based on intentionally violent
acts toward animals. Every national animal protection organization, including PETA, is opposed to rodeos because of their
inherent cruelty to animals. Tail-twisting, spurs, electric prods, sharp sticks, and bucking straps are all used to make bulls,
horses, and baby calves appear "wild" so that the cowboys will look like heroes. Please write to the senior vice
president of sponsorships and let him know that there is nothing heroic about roping baby calves at speeds of up to 20 miles
an hour and yanking them by their necks so that they come crashing down to the ground, often with injuries. Write to:
Michael Lynch Senior Vice President of Sponsorships P.O. Box 8999 San Francisco, CA 94128-8999 Tel.: 650-432-3200
E-Mail: Help Stop East Carolina University Dog Killers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University recently hosted an advanced trauma life support (ATLS)
course for Pitt County Memorial Hospital personnel in which a number of dogs were killed in procedures that can be more effectively
demonstrated on patient simulators and human cadavers. Many prestigious facilities have eliminated dog labs from
their courses in favor of these alternatives. The Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS), in Baltimore,
Maryland, is one such place and has reported that 95 percent of MIEMSS students rate the cadaver lab superior. Philip Militello,
M.D., an instructor at MIEMSS, has taught approximately 100 trauma training courses, both with dogs and with the innovative
program using human cadavers and simulators. He considers using cadavers a big advantage and explains, "The anatomy of
a cadaver human is identical to a patient, while a dogs anatomical landmarks differ. Over the years, it has become clear that
students enjoy doing the procedures on a human cadaver specimen because of the identical scenarios, landmarks, and the hands-on
experience. It mirrors the clinical scenario and is very well received." PETA wrote the Brody School of Medicine
and Pitt County Memorial Hospital asking that patient simulators and cadavers be used in future ATLS training exerciseswe
have yet to receive a response. Please join us in demanding that these institutions use non-animal teaching methods by writing
to: Peter J. Kragel, M.D. Interim Dean Brody School of Medicine East Carolina University Greenville,
NC 27858-4354 Dave McRae, President Pitt County Memorial Hospital 2100 Stantonsburg Rd. Greenville,
NC 27834-2832
BOYCOTT THE FUR AND FEATHER SHOW - Please avoid the September 30th Fur & Feather show , in Mount Forest , Ontario.
The event , a buy , sell and trade show , exploits and places animals right out in the open for abusers , and bunchers.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? - Leaflet , and get the word out about bunchers , and animal abusers and their secrets!!
Contact PAWS to get involved.
TEACHER SUFFOCATES RABBIT - "The suffocating animals [was]...... placed in full view of the class while Omunwha
kept teaching" - KTTV Fox Channel 11. Collin Omunwha , special education teacher at Gage Middle School
in Huntington Park , reportedly forced a rabbit into a plastic bag intending to suffocated her in front of his class. A 13
year old student apparently supplied the rabbit after Omunwha asked his students to provide animals for dissection. Omunwha
allegedly placed the bag containing the still living rabbit , in a cabinet for the weekend , and according to the Los Angeles
SPCA , she "Very slowly suffocated to death." Please urge the prosocuter to vigirously pursue the
cause against Collin Omunwha. Request that in addition to a period of incarceration , Omunwha undergo a mandatory phycological
evaluation , followed by necissary counceling at his own exspense. Ask that he also be prohibed from owning or harbouring
animals , and that any animals currently in his custody be immedently seized. Remind the prosocuter that cruelty to animals
is a red flag, and that people who disregard the suffering of animals pose a definite risk to the community and it's children.
Send polite letters to : The Honerable Kenneth VonHelmolt , Esq. Los Angeles County District attorneys
office Huntington Park , area office 2958 E. Florence Ave. Huntington Park , CA 90255 Tel : 323.586.6338
Fax : 323.584.9055 Please also write to Los Angeles school officals and inform them of the link between
cruelty to animals , and other forms of violence. Contact : Roy Romer , Superintendent of Schools Los
Angeles Unified School District 450 N. Grand Ave. , Rm. A-223 Los Angeles , CA 90012 Fax : 213.485.0321
Email :
TELL ANIMAL PLANET TO STOP PROMOTING BREEDING - Animal Planet plans to air a t.v series that will glorify the breeding
of animals , including dogs and cats , despite the horrific dog and cat overpopulation crisis in the United States alone.
The proposed t.v serious called , 'Thats my baby' will feature stories about animal breeders that will undoubtedly lead people
to buy or breed animals , at the exspense of millions of homeless animals who are euthanized in shelters everyday. Instead
of glorifying irresponsible breeding Animal Planet should discourage breeding at all levels. Please don't let unfourtunate
dogs and cats die for Animal Planets t.v ratings. Ask Animal Planet to feature only baby animals born in the
wild. Please contact : Willam Graff , Programming Director Animal Planet 770 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda
, MD 20814-3578 Fax : 301.986.5843 Tel : 301.771.3604 Email :
[Click here to read PAWS letter to Animal Planet.]