*Factory Farm Exhibit - Orangeville Ontario *Banner Hang - Arthur Ontario *Banner Hang - Texas , U.S *Factory
Farm Exhibit - Colorado , U.S *Factory Farm Exhibit - England , U.K

Factory Farming Exhibit - When : October 2 /01 Where: Orangeville , Ontario Information center : When
: October 2001 Where: Arthur Library When: October 2001 Where: Orangeville Library

Fur & Feathers Buy & Trade Show Where: Mount Forest , Ontario (Fairgrounds) When: September 30th 2001 Time
: 9am - 1pm Keep your pets safe this Halloween Where: Orangeville , Ontario (Orangeville Mall) When:
October 2001 (PAWS Rescue Department) Where: Mount Forest , Ontario Where: Mount Forest Library When:
October 2001 Save Turkeys from Thanksgiving When: October / 2001 Where: Orangeville Ontario (Zhers grocery
store) When: October 2001 Where: Fergus Ontario (Zhers grocery store)

PURRfect Presents : November 2001 Fundraisers for supplies and gifts for the Humane Socities this Christmas.
Click below for more.

NOTE TO ACTIVISTS - Do have a : *March of Dimes , *coat factory , or *Procter and Gamble head office , in your city
, or close by? If so please email us to help the animals that suffer under these companies.

Click here to register for an event , to volunteer , or for more information.