PAWS F.R.R Program is a neighborhood watch program for your pets. Helping you understand how easy it is to get a stolden ,
or missing pet , how to keep your pet safe , and working with the community to find missing and lost pets. There
is three sections of F.R.R : 1. Missing Pets 2. Stolden Pets 3. Neighbourhood watch program.
1) Missing Pets Hundreds of pets go missing from their homes every single day. Did they get lost ? Were they taken?
You can't be sure , all you know is that you miss your pet , and want him home and safe. This is how PAWS F.R.R works :
1) Contact PAWS to list your pet as missing ; send us a discription and picture if possible. 2) PAWS will list your
pet on our website 3) PAWS will also list your pet on our community F.R.R board 4) PAWS will check with local Humane
societies , exc. To make sure your pet hasnt been picked up. 5) PAWS rescue will be alerted of your pets identity 6)
PAWS will send you information on ways to keep your pets safe , from going missing. Since F.R.R is a new program
, the effective rate is unknown , but PAWS will do everything possible , to ensure the safety of the missing animal. If ,
and when the animal is found : 1) PAWS will contact you immedently and state whos custody the animal is in at the
current time. 2) You will be requested to come pick up the animal 3) PAWS will have a vet appointment booked for
you , at the local clinic , to check the health and well-being of the animal. To list your missing pet with F.R.R
- Call us at our rescue # 323 - 9805 or email us @
2) Stolden Pets When stolden pets arrive , it is an emergency , for the animals life could be in greater danger
, than a missing animal , because the kidnapper could be someone bought off by a lab , to get subjects , or an animal abuser
looking for victims. To register your pet as stolden with F.R.R , you must be 100% sure that is the case. When registering
a stolden pet with F.R.R : 1) PAWS will contact local humane socities , exc. To notify them , in case the animal
comes in. 2) PAWS will list the animal as stolden on the web , as well as on our community F.R.R board. 3)
PAWS will contact local authorities , to notify them of the stolden animal , in case their aid is needed. When
registering a stolden pet , we will need a description of the animal , and a picture if possible. If possible an idea of who
you think might have taken the animal , as well as a discription.
3) Neighbourhood Watch System The F.R.R Neighbourhood watch system , is simple. Almost the same as neighbourhood
watch for children. Neighbours can keep an eye on eachothers pets , when ones not home , and notify the animals gaurdians
of any strange activity around their house , when they have been away. PAWS offers a neighbourhood watch window decal , as
well as brochure , on how to protect your pets. Also there will be notifications on the F.R.R page , if there
is a high amount of missing , or stolden pets in your area.